Track your usage of LbQ

Do you want to track your usage of LbQ? Well now you can. Find out more here.

We love hearing from teachers who use Learning by Questions; your feedback is what helps us make decisions about what new goodies we can develop for you. Teachers tell us they would like a way to look at how much LbQ they have used over a period of time. You asked; we listened. Administrators can now opt teachers in to receive a report on their LbQ usage.

Why track usage on LbQ?

There are many reasons why a teacher or senior leader would want to track usage of Learning by Questions. The more you use it the more time you save and the more progress your pupils will make. Users who requested the feature said they wanted it to be able to feedback to colleagues or senior leaders about where and when learning was happening on Learning by Questions, whilst others wanted to ensure value for money.

What does the usage report look like and what’s included?

An example report can be seen below. Receivers of the report can see the type of subscription a user has; when they were assigned an LbQ subscription; how many Question Sets from each subject has been used and the total; the average number of pupils per Question Set'; and the number of correct, incorrect and total number of answers.

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When will I receive the usage report and how often?

The usage report will be sent out on Monday mornings, and how often is up to you. You can opt to receive the report weekly, bi-weekly or every 4 weeks.

How do I sign up to receive the usage report?

If you are an administrator, you can choose to opt in for reports, and which users to include. If you are not an administrator but would like to receive a usage report, you will need to ask your LbQ account administrator to do this for you.

To sign up for the usage report, from My LbQ, click on My School. You’ll then see the screen below. Click on the Reporting tab.

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Here you will find a list of users. By default, everyone is opted out, however, every user’s usage is initially included in for the report. You can choose to include or remove users from either option by clicking on the ticks in the users’ box.

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As always, we always appreciate any feedback on our platform. If you do have any feedback on the usage reports or anything else you have noticed whilst using Learning by Questions, you can email us at In the meantime, why not plan your next lessons by logging on?