Learning by Questions for primary science

Teaching science to young minds is a wonder, revealing all the secrets of the earth's magic. But the curriculum is jam-packed, budgets are tight and time is short. You need awe-inspiring resources that harness their fascination.

illustrationof a teacher holding up a LbQ science question set

Why primary teachers love science with LbQ

Good resources are easy to find

There's so much out there for maths and literacy, science is often left by the wayside. This leaves teachers reliant on textbooks that not only cost a bomb, but get old quickly.

LbQ's resources are bang-up-to-date. They're a fantastic way for your budding scientists to access scientifically-accurate content in an age-appropriate way. All our content addresses year group expectations and includes mastery, vocabulary and investigation Question Sets.

Stretch your science budget further

After you've covered the cost of textbooks, worksheets and endless photocopying, there really isn't much left in the coffers for exciting experiments and decent equipment.

Not anymore.

For a fraction of the cost, LbQ takes care of everything you would get from textbooks and worksheets. Plus, the cost could be shared by the maths and/or English budget because you get all those resources too.

Getting to grips with new and difficult vocabulary

Science is littered with big words. Even as an adult, some scientific vocabulary is a challenge. But understanding the terms used to describe methods, properties and processes is key to accessing the science curriculum.

LbQ's primary science vocabulary resources contain clear and engaging scientific explanations and diagrams to ensure pupils not only understand scientific content, but enjoy it!

No confidence? No problem

Science can often strike fear into teachers who feel like they haven't got the requisite knowledge.

LbQ resources are written and structured in such a way that you don't need to be a fully fledged science whizz to teach the subject. Our teacher authors have framed the science in familiar contexts to help non specialists teach the subject like pros.

Fitting it in in a jam-packed curriculum

The primary curriculum is a lot like the London Underground: uncomfortably busy. You want to hold exciting experiments with pupils to spark those creative minds, but the workload involved doesn't give you much time for that.

LbQ helps children gain knowledge and get to grips with vocab much faster than other methods, so that you have the time to focus on inspiring investigations and exciting experiments.

Easy and precise assessments

How do you assess your pupil's primary science knowledge? A journal? A portfolio? Concept maps? Worksheets? There's so much choice, it can make consistency and precision difficult. The primary science curriculum gives you a lot of room for choice when it comes to teaching and assessment.

Learning by Questions provides teachers with a simple yet informative method of assessment. Each National Curriculum learning objective can be assessed using resources that are marked for you in the lesson.

Allowing pupils to develop independent learning

You don't teach science as often as maths and English, which can sometimes leave pupils a bit lost in the woods when it comes to taking responsibility for their learning.

LbQ's platform, loaded with KS2 science content and personalised feedback, allows pupils to work independently, giving them the autonomy and confidence to advance and excel in the subject. Pupils can see a handy progress bar along the top of their screen: a reminder of how far they've come!

They covered it last year, but do they remember it?

Did your pupils perhaps cover something in a previous year group, but you're not sure how much they've retained?

Using an LbQ primary science Question Sets from a prior year group as a starting point for a current topic, can really help with retrieval. It can also highlight any crucial gaps in scientific knowledge that the teacher can then address.

Child using LbQ on a tablet

Our science content

Dive into the full LbQ Library of primary science resources.

Or, try LbQ from the pupil's perspective below.
Try to make a few mistakes to reveal the unique feedback that pupils receive to keep them on track!

Parts of a Food Chain

Explore our other primary subjects

It's not just science - we have comprehensive content for both maths and English to keep your pupils engaged and studying happily.

photo of teacher with 2 students

With an LbQ trial you could benefit from:

  • quality resources to inspire budding scientists.
  • more time to spend on experiments and investigations.
  • a solid foundation of scientific skills and vocabulary.
  • evidence of progression in science.
  • using your science budget in more exciting ways.
  • independent learning and pupil awareness of their own progress.
  • clever ways to retrieve and recap previous learning.
  • no photocopying worksheets!