Tips for looking after your pupils’ wellbeing

As part of World Wellbeing Week, we've gathered some helpful tips from the NSPCC and Mind on tackling children’s wellbeing over the coming weeks.

Be kind to yourself. That has to be the first thing to remember during this strange and confusing time. Often when we talk about mental health, we use the comparison of putting your own oxygen mask on before helping those around you. Your wellbeing is important. If your mindset is right, it will influence your pupils’ mindset.

Once you have done everything you can to take care of your own mental health and wellbeing, what can you do to help the children in your care?

As part of World Wellbeing Week, we’ve gathered together some tips from the NSPCC and Mind on how best to tackle children’s wellbeing over the next few weeks, as well as some of our own.

Please note: if you have genuine concerns about the mental health and wellbeing of any of your students, you should refer this to the designated Child Protection Officer at your school and follow your school’s policy on safeguarding young people.

Try to include some physical activity

Physical activity is incredibly good for wellbeing and has been proven to boost endorphins and immune systems. Social distancing has definitely created logistical challenges when it comes to the space children have to learn, but incorporating some exercise into the school day could give your pupils some much needed time outside.

Physical activity can take multiple forms, so even if you don’t feel confident in the safety of having PE lessons, taking learning outside could have similar benefits. Make sure that this is permitted in your school's official policy first.

Encourage children to keep a diary

Whether it’s part of your English writing lessons or just an activity that is part of your daily/weekly timetable, journaling could be incredibly cathartic for the pupils you teach.

A journal could help them reflect on their circumstances and digest the incredibly unusual times we find ourselves in. Reflection can help them process any negative emotions that they may have. It could also be a chance for them to communicate their feelings to you in a safe and private space

Routine, routine, routine

It might be a new routine from their lives before lockdown, but one thing that school provides pupils with is a solid routine (which may not be the case at home). Human beings like routine: it provides control and minimises the risk of surprise, shock or unrest.

Sticking to a routine can help to calm some of the worries that pupils may have about the future.

If you’re not sure, reach out

Many charities have been concerned about the effect of COVID-19. Mainly, the circumstances that it has caused for young people over the past few months, as well as "the new normal" that they will have to cope with.

If you’re not sure how to help struggling pupils, there is help at hand. Below is a list of charities you can contact, as well as a collection of resources you can use to inform yourself about the potential worries children may have. However, if you do have particular worries about a child, you should always report this to the Safeguarding Officer at your school.

NSPCC Learning – What children are saying to Childline about Coronavirus

NSPCC Learning – Safeguarding guidance

Young Minds – Supporting your child during the Coronavirus pandemic

The Children’s Society

Evidence for Learning - A Recovery Curriculum: Loss and Life for our children and schools post pandemic.

Provide a safe space for getting things wrong

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Learning by Questions was designed with the wellbeing of pupils in mind. Each answer that a child gives is replied to with specific feedback. The feedback is written to encourage pupils to have another go, providing the steps required to help the learner work out the correct answers.

This approach helps to provide pupils with a growth mindset and, in turn, resilience. It helps to build self-esteem by telling them “you can do it!”

Learning by Questions provides pupils with a safe space to get answers wrong. They don’t have to worry about looking silly in front of their peers, nor do they have to be embarrassed about getting things right either.

Some pupils’ confidence is sure to have taken a dip during these difficult times. Some may have not had the opportunity to prove to themselves what they can achieve. Learning by Questions can help them with that.

Connect pupils with their peers

It is likely that you will not have a full class in the classroom, which means that some pupils are missing out on that all-important social interaction. Finding ways of connecting the entire class during the learning day can help to build those social bonds that may have been missing for some children for a prolonged period.

Using video calls is one way to invite pupils who are learning from a distance to join and interact with those who are physically in front of you.

Learning by Questions is another way to build social bridges between pupils. Our platform connects the whole class and allows the teacher to display the progress of all the pupils in the class.

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By allowing the whole class to complete the same Question Set, LbQ can make it seem like the classroom is full!

One of the great benefits of LbQ is that teachers remain in control of who learns what and when, so you can arrange to get the whole class learning at the same time!

**If you’re interested in using Learning by Questions to teach maths, English and science in your classroom or school, contact us to arrange a free online demo or register for an account here**.